Coca Cola PaperTweetos: Argentina’s National soccer team gets huge support from Twitter

coca cola twitter argentinaOgilvy Argentina helped Coca Cola leverage Twitter to enforce Argentina’s National Soccer Team support from fans by using a special hashtag to filter all supporters tweets.

Every time there is a soccer match where the Argentinean National Team plays, people cheer for their squad anytime, everywhere. At home tweeting and at the stadium throwing papers. For the Copa América 2011 we brougth all that encourage together.

We created Papertweetos.

All the fans’ twitted through a designated hashtag, each message was printed and launched by cannons just as the players entered the field.

This video tells the whole story:

In all, more than 2 million papertweetos were printed…
Nice idea, Soccer fans are soooo happy when they’re allowed to support directly their champions!

(I hope paper was recycled…)

This entry was posted in Advertising, Coca Cola, Soccer, Social gaming, Social initiatives, Social Life, Social marketing, Social Media, Social network, Social news, Social survey, South America, Twitter, Twitter hashtag, User Engagement, User experience, User survey, Viral marketing, Viral video and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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