Tag Archives: Social TV

Sport+TV? Here’s some unbiased opinion about the future

How will TV evolve? How will social TV change all this? ParisLemon says the future is iPad, its ability to watch a game and check all scores etc. I say the future is somewhere in the Social TV zone, where … Continue reading

Posted in Internet TV, iPad, Social Era, Social Media, Social network, Social news, Social TV | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Social Media TV Charts: who wins, who loses, where are TV viewers heading to?

Mashable reports with this cool infographics about Social TV trends and charts what happened in a middle-March week in the Social TV arena [Via Mashable]

Posted in Infographic, Report, Social Era, Social family, Social Life, Social marketing, Social Media, Social network, Social news, Social survey, Social TV, TV ads, Uncategorized, User Engagement, User experience | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Social TV: ConnecTV announces March Madness: basketball will never be the same – social

I love Social TV! I guess it’s the next big thing putting together all tech stuff: mobile + social media + TV. USA Social TV company ConnecTV, has announced its March Madness line-up of innovative content features for the biggest … Continue reading

Posted in App world, Apple, Social Era, Social family, Social gaming, social habits, Social initiatives, Social Life, Social marketing, Social Media, Social network, Social news, Social survey, Social TV, Television, TV Series, User Engagement, User experience, User survey | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Academy Awards 2012: who won? Actors? Actresses? Movies? No, social media!

Ok, I do think Meryl Streep deserved her 2012 Oscar as well all the other folks on the red carpet… as I wrote yesterday there’s another big winner even though it’s not holding an Oscar. Actually, the real winner this … Continue reading

Posted in Coviewing, Digital life, Digital media, Marketing, Media, Movie, News, Social initiatives, Social Life, Social marketing, Social Media, Social network, Social news, Social survey, Social TV, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment