Category Archives: MySpace

Social networking history: how it all began and where it’s heading

This post gives a historical overview of social networking – and some good hints too. Beginning from the very first mail through Geocities – anyone remembers this one? – down to Friendster, MySpace and, of course, Facebook. Oh, by the … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Facebook, Facebook Timeline, History, MySpace, Social Media, Social network, Twitter | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Infographic: the whole social media world seen as a prism a German social media consultancy, comes this prism breaking out the social media world into sub-categories. I think it’s great and does a great job of sorting out all social players each by its business area. [Via]

Posted in Facebook, Facebook Pages, Facebook Pages for Business, Google, Google+, Infographic, Job search, Linkedin, Magazine, Marketing, Microsoft, MySpace, SEO, Social initiatives, Social Life, Social marketing, Social Media, Social network, Social news, Social survey, Startup, Stock market, Tech industry, Twitter, Uncategorized, Web, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Web design, Web Marketing, Youtube | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

MySpace’s future? Ask Justin Timberlake, he’s got a plan

Back in 2005, MySpace marked history with News Corp’s original purchase price in excess of $580 million. Giving more headeaches and dismay to Mr. Murdoch, MySpace was sold last week to an advertising network called Specific Media for a mere … Continue reading

Posted in Digital music, Entrepreneurship, Facebook, Marketing, Media, MySpace, News, Social initiatives, Social marketing, Social Media, Social network | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment